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  • Faculty Happy Hour
    Faculty Happy Hour
    Wed, May 01
    Stumberg Hall
    May 01, 2019, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    Stumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USA
    The Austin Institute invites university faculty in Austin to a Happy Hour. Please join us for libations and collegial conversation.
  • Seminar: "Tocqueville on the Democratic Soul" with Dr. Dana Stauffer
    Seminar: "Tocqueville on the Democratic Soul" with Dr. Dana Stauffer
    Apr 30, 2019, 7:00 PM – May 07, 2019, 8:30 PM
    Stumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USA
    What makes the American soul? The French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville was both a proponent of liberty and a critic of democratic excess and extreme individualism. Join us for a 4-week seminar with Dr. Dana Stauffer as we consider the deeper philosophical roots of the democratic soul.
  • UT-Austin Reading Group: "Quest for Community"
    UT-Austin Reading Group: "Quest for Community"
    Wed, Apr 24
    Apr 24, 2019, 3:00 PM – May 02, 2019, 3:00 PM
    Waggener Hall 210 (WAG), 78705, 2210 Speedway, Austin, TX 78712, USA
    The Intercollegiate Studies Institute is sponsoring an 6-week study of Robert Nisbet's "Quest for Community," an analysis of modern life's search for profound community. Drs. Robert Koons and Ryan Womack will lead the discussion on the campus of UT-Austin.
  • Seminar: "Lost in the Cosmos: On Sadness, Laughter, and the Self" with Dr. Ryan Womack
    Seminar: "Lost in the Cosmos: On Sadness, Laughter, and the Self" with Dr. Ryan Womack
    Apr 09, 2019, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
    Stumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USA
    Why, in the midst of plenty, are we so often sad? How, in the midst of sadness, can we laugh? Please join Dr. Womack for this 4-week seminar exploring the complexities of the self, guided by Walker Percy's satirical self-help book, Lost in the Cosmos (1985).
  • Table Talk: "The Political Economy of Housing Affordability" with Justin Golbabai
    Table Talk: "The Political Economy of Housing Affordability" with Justin Golbabai
    Apr 08, 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
    The Clay Pit, 1601 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USA
    Nobody loves a commute, but many jobs are located in high-cost areas of the city. How can cities grow in ways that keep housing costs down but flourish economically? Join us for dinner and conversation at The Clay Pit to better understand these politics. Seating is limited to 20.
  • Lecture: "Distracted by Distraction: The Problem of Paying Attention" with Dr. Ryan Womack
    Lecture: "Distracted by Distraction: The Problem of Paying Attention" with Dr. Ryan Womack
    Mar 27, 2019, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
    Founders Classical Academy of Leander, 1303 Leander Dr, Leander, TX 78641, USA
    Most of us feel distracted. It is a cultural, not just an individual problem--and it requires cultural analysis. Join us at Founders Classical Academy as Dr. Ryan Womack (Ph.D., Baylor University) grapples with our modern challenges to cultivating attention.
  • SXSW: The Human Advantage
    SXSW: The Human Advantage
    Mon, Mar 11
    Christ Church
    Mar 11, 2019, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
    Christ Church, 112 Medina St, Austin, TX 78702, USA
    Will artificial intelligence supersede human intelligence? Avoid the hype and hone your understanding of the nature and future of AI. Join us alongside Robert J. Marks (Computer Engineering) and Jay Richards (Philosophy) for a realistic take on AI and culture.
  • Sexuality and Gender Workshop
    Sexuality and Gender Workshop
    Sat, Mar 09
    Mar 09, 2019, 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
    Stumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USA
    This one-day workshop is designed to give campus ministers and religious and civic leaders the vocabulary and tools they need to more confidently and productively engage our culture-wide conversation about sexuality and gender issues.
  • The Good Life Series for UT Students: Wine-Tasting
    The Good Life Series for UT Students: Wine-Tasting
    Mar 07, 2019, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
    3206 Fairfax Walk, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USA
    Robert Louis Stevenson said that "Wine is bottled poetry." Part of the Good Life, what Aristotle called "eudaimonia," is discerning culture. This wine-tasting event is meant to unlock some poetry of the vine. Students must be of age, and we're limiting this to 12, so RSVP soon!
  • Lecture: "A Pinch of Moderation, or Moderation with a Pinch?" with Dr. Michael Foley
    Lecture: "A Pinch of Moderation, or Moderation with a Pinch?" with Dr. Michael Foley
    Feb 27, 2019, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
    Founders Classical Academy of Leander, 1303 Leander Dr, Leander, TX 78641, USA
    Goethe said, "Out of moderation a pure happiness springs." Without moderation, we cannot be free and we cannot be happy. How do we acquire the virtue in the first place? And how do we teach it? Join us at Founders Classical Academy as Dr. Michael Foley (Ph.D., Boston College) to discuss moderation.
  • Seminar: "Friendship in the Classical and Christian World: A Seminar on Aristotle and Aquinas" with Dr. Erik Dempsey
    Seminar: "Friendship in the Classical and Christian World: A Seminar on Aristotle and Aquinas" with Dr. Erik Dempsey
    Feb 19, 2019, 7:00 PM – Feb 26, 2019, 8:30 PM
    Stumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USA
    The Classical and Christian traditions hold friendship as a measure of both happiness and virtue. But what makes a friendship? Join us for this four-part series with Dr. Erik Dempsey, UT-Austin professor of Core Texts and Ideas, in searching out the long and lasting art of friendship.
  • Table Talk: "Family, Policy, and Economics: How Do We Form a Coherent Strategy for the Future?" with Dr. Kevin Roberts
    Table Talk: "Family, Policy, and Economics: How Do We Form a Coherent Strategy for the Future?" with Dr. Kevin Roberts
    Feb 06, 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
    The Clay Pit, 1601 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USA
    How can public policy help, or at least not harm, the family, the "first society"? Join us for dinner and conversation with Texas Public Policy Foundation Executive Director Dr. Kevin Roberts (History, UT-Austin). Please RSVP soon, as seating is limited to 20 people!
  • Table Talk: "Religion Behind Bars: Transformation, Rehabilitation, and Criminal Justice Reform" with Dr. Byron Johnson
    Table Talk: "Religion Behind Bars: Transformation, Rehabilitation, and Criminal Justice Reform" with Dr. Byron Johnson
    Jan 30, 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
    The Clay Pit, 1601 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USA
    What does it mean to "reform" the the prisoner? What effects does this endeavor have on our culture? Join us for an enlightening dinner and conversation with Dr. Byron Johnson (Criminology and Sociology, Baylor) to unpack this issue. Please RSVP soon, as seating is limited to 20 persons!
  • Faculty Happy Hour
    Faculty Happy Hour
    Mon, Jan 28
    Stumberg Hall
    Jan 28, 2019, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    Stumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USA
    The Austin Institute invites university faculty in Austin to a Happy Hour. Please join us for libations and collegial conversation.
  • Faculty Happy Hour
    Faculty Happy Hour
    Wed, Dec 05
    Stumberg Hall
    Dec 05, 2018, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    Stumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USA
    The Austin Institute invites university faculty in Austin to a Happy Hour. Please join us for libations and a collegial conversation.
  • "The Male Stigma" a Table Talk with Matthew Crawford
    "The Male Stigma" a Table Talk with Matthew Crawford
    Nov 30, 2018, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
    The Clay Pit, 1601 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USA
    We invite you to a closed lecture and dinner with Dr. Matthew Crawford, philosopher, author, and motorcycle mechanic. This informal lecture and dinner conversation will examine what might be called a political philosophy of the gender and the body. RSVP today so we can count you in this conversation
  • Matthew Crawford First Things Lecture: "Attention as a Cultural Problem and the Possibility of Education"
    Matthew Crawford First Things Lecture: "Attention as a Cultural Problem and the Possibility of Education"
    Nov 29, 2018, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
    UT-Austin, Waggener Hall 302, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
    What is education in an age of distraction? How can we better develop the powers of attention necessary for deep formation when so many challenges exist? Distraction is a rampant cultural problem, maybe even more than it is an individual temptation. Join us for a conversation with Matthew Crawford.
  • Reading Group: "The World Beyond Your Head" with Dr. Ryan Womack
    Reading Group: "The World Beyond Your Head" with Dr. Ryan Womack
    Wed, Oct 31
    Oct 31, 2018, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
    The Perry-Castañeda Library, 4.120 B, 101 E 21st St, Austin, TX 78712, USA
    What does it mean to be have agency, to see the effect of one's choices in the world? In an increasingly virtual and engineered world of experience, the power to feel and know one's agency is more difficult. Join Dr. Womack for this weekly seminar in anticipation of Dr. Crawford's November visit!
2018-2019 PAST EVENTS
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