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- Tue, Mar 03Mar 03, 2020, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PMClay Pit, 1601 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USAJoin us and former Planned Parenthood educator Monica Cline for a dinner conversation about comprehensive sex ed programs in schools and what parents, church leaders, and educators can do about them. Space is limited to the first 20 who register, so sign up today!
- Thu, Feb 20
- Mon, Feb 17Feb 17, 2020, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PMClay Pit, 1601 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USAJoin us and editor of The New Atlantis, Mr. Ari Schulman, for dinner and discussion about the phenomenon of mass shootings: what causes them, where they occur, and how effective our efforts are to stop them. Space is limited to the first 20 people who register, so sign up today!
- Fri, Feb 07Feb 07, 2020, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PMStumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USAAll undergraduates are invited to a dinner at the Austin Institute, where we'll practice some go-to small talk strategies and have a blast while doing it. Join us Friday, February 7th at 7:00 PM for dinner and lots of conversation.
- Tue, Jan 28Jan 28, 2020, 7:00 PM – Feb 18, 2020, 8:30 PMStumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USAFew words rival the importance of "justice." And few have sparked as many philosophical debates as Plato in his treatment of justice in The Republic. Join us as UT Professor and political philosopher Devin Stauffer leads a 4-part discussion of questions raised (and only sometimes answered).
- Thu, Jan 23Jan 23, 2020, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PMStumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USAPlease join us for an informal conversation with author Timothy P. Carney about his recent book, Alienated America: Why Some Places Thrive While Others Collapse. Themes include the dissolution of the family, the dissolution of society, and hyperindividualism. Space is limited, so register today!
- Fri, Dec 06Dec 06, 2019, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PMStumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USARemember Postcards to Macron? You are invited to join us on December 5th as Dr. Catherine Pakaluk, who started a movement to challenge remarks by France's President, will lead a conversation about her recent research into motive and meaning among America's high-fertility women. By invitation only.
- Wed, Dec 04Dec 04, 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PMClay Pit, 1601 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USAJoin us December 4th for dinner and conversation as Dr. Ashleen Menchaca-Bagnulo discusses the difficulties faced by working women and suggests specific changes in the workplace that would benefit them. Space is limited, so RSVP today!
- Sat, Nov 09
- Tue, Oct 29Oct 29, 2019, 7:00 PM – Nov 19, 2019, 8:30 PM3206 Fairfax Walk, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USAWhat is Eros? How is it connected to other forms of love and other goods in life? And what kinds of social support does it need? Join us for four consecutive Tuesday evenings as Dr. Erik Dempsey leads us in an examination of this intense form of love.
- Mon, Oct 21Lecture: "Gentrification and the Future of American Cities" with Dr. Eric van Holm /The University of Texas at Austin
- Sat, Oct 05
- Tue, Oct 01Oct 01, 2019, 7:00 PM – Oct 22, 2019, 8:30 PMStumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USAJoin us as we explore what it means to dress ourselves faithfully in the age of “fast fashion.” We will investigate problems with current trends in production and consumption and discover how local, community-based, and even domestic action can help us repair the rifts caused by a culture of excess.
- Thu, Sep 12Sep 12, 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PMThe Clay Pit, 1601 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USAThe secret to a peaceful Middle East can be found in books, not bombs. Join us and Faisal al Mutar for a dinner discussion of his life under extremist Iraqi regimes, his work in the Middle East, and how Ideas Beyond Borders is igniting a movement of youth committed to critical thinking and humanism.
- Wed, Sep 04Sep 04, 2019, 7:00 PM – Sep 25, 2019, 8:30 PMStumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USAHow do Christians find a mate in a world that increasingly yawns at marriage? Dr. Mark Regnerus will draw upon his research in seven countries to share what people today think about Christian marriage and what folks all over the world are doing to make marriages work.
- Wed, Aug 28
- Sun, Jul 14Jul 14, 2019, 7:00 PM – Jul 20, 2019, 11:00 PMUniversity of Texas, 2100 Speedway, Austin, TX 78712, USAIn our frenzied age of materialism, unbridled technological advancement, and moral upheaval, this perennial question is more important than ever. High school students who have finished their sophomore or junior years are invited to participate in a highly-interactive, week-long seminar.
- Wed, Feb 05Feb 05, 2020, 3:00 PM – Apr 08, 2020, 4:00 PMThe University of Texas at Austin, Batts Hall, Room 1.130Undergraduate students are invited to join Professor J. Budziszewski, the Thomistic Institute, and the Austin Institute for an 11-week reading of What We Can't Not Know, an exploration of the rational foundation of right and wrong.
2019-2020 PAST EVENTS
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